The London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (LMUP)                

Evaluating the LMUP in South Africa
Dr Elizabeth Ernstoff (University of Cape Town), Dr Chelsea Morroni (UCL), Dr Deborah Constant (University of Cape Town) evaluated the LMUP in Xhosa and Afrikaans in South Africa. Women from antenatal and abortion clinics were recruited to the study. The findings from women recruited via antenatal clinics were reported in Dr Ernstoff’s MPH dissertation. The LMUP in Xhosa and the LMUP in Afrikaans are both contained within the appendices of the dissertation.

Dr Victoria Lyun, Dr Kirsty Brittain, Prof Landon Myer (University of Cape Town) and colleagues used the LMUP in English and in isiXhosa in their study of HIV-positive women attending antenatal care in Cape Town. Their publication provides some information about the psychometric properties and performance of the LMUP in their study:

Lyun V, Brittain K, Phillips TK, Le Roux S, McINtyre JA, Zerbe Z, Petro G, Abrams EJ, Myer L. 2018 Prevalence and determinants of unplanned pregnancy in HIV-positive and HIV-negative women in Cape Town, South Africa: a cross-sectional study BMJ Open 8;4:e019979 Abstract and full text
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